Here I am going to show how can we make our php mysql connection more secure and easy to edit while move in production usin .ini
1.Create a file named: my_setting.ini
write below content in this file start.
driver = mysql
host = localhost
;port = 3306
schema = test
username = root
password = root
write below content in this file close.
now create a php file named: pdo.php
write below content in this file start.
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
echo "Hi";
class MyPDO extends PDO
public function __construct($file = 'my_setting.ini')
{echo "Hi2";
if (!$settings = parse_ini_file($file, TRUE)) throw new exception('Unable to open ' . $file . '.');
$dns = $settings['database']['driver'] .
':host=' . $settings['database']['host'] .
((!empty($settings['database']['port'])) ? (';port=' . $settings['database']['port']) : '') .
';dbname=' . $settings['database']['schema'];
parent::__construct($dns, $settings['database']['username'], $settings['database']['password']);
$x = new MyPDO;
write below content in this file close.
Now run your file pdo.php it will work properly.
There is no need to change any setting regarding this.
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