q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8

1.Write a php programme to accept Name,FatherName,MotherName,Address,PhoneNumber and display it.

2.Write a php programme to generate table from 2 t0 20.

3.Write a php Program to display number from 1 to 100 in new line.

4.Accept two number from users and find out which number is greater.

5.Write a php code two accept two peoples age and find out who is younger between them.

6.Write a javascript code to form validation using js to accept name , fathername,email,phone and all field should not empty

7.Write a javascript code to form validation using js to accept name , fathername,email,phone and all field should not empty and mail should be in mail format(abc@xyz.com), phone should be number(9844454)

8.Write a javascript code to form validation using js to accept name , fathername,email,phone and all field should not empty and mail should be in mail format(abc@xyz.com), phone should be number(9844454) But not use document.form1.fieldname use like fieldid (take google help if need)